Sat, Mar 29, 2025

March Muddy Waters Navigational Rally

Ptacek's IGA

About this event

SCCA Regional RoadRally (GTA)

Plotting begin s at Noon.
Start: Prescott, WI

This is a UK style Map rally. You are given a map and instructions to plot on that map. Based on the MMW we did 10 or 15 years ago. This one is unique in that all controls are in the same spot. It was origianlly a plot and bash but now you can pre-plot. These are a lot of fun and challenge your ploting (navigational) skills rather than precise driving.

You will be asked to select a Class. There are no classes on this event, the selection will be used for the LOL chanpionship.

Event requirements

You are responsible for insuring the following are in order:
Headlights (high and low beams) and parking lights
Taillights and brake lights
Horn, windshield wipers and directional signals
Rear-view mirror
Foot brakes and parking brake
Tires (inspect for condition of sidewalls as well as tread)
Seat belts, securely installed for the driver and navigator
Safety triangle (optional)
First Aid Kit (optional)
Tow Rope (optional)
Fire Extinguisher (optional)



Ptacek's IGA

Prescott, WI


Road Rally organized by

SCCA - Land O' Lakes Region - Road Rally

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March Muddy Waters Navigational Rally

Sat, Mar 29, 2025